Trying to keep cool during July heatwave – but camera shy
Time has gone so rapidly I forgot to post this blog on time. The month was hot and sunny and we were busy with the winter barley which came off dry but very variable in yield. The winter oats were very similar and had secondary growth which delayed harvest. We started winter wheat early, July 22nd – this was planted before the weather broke in the autumn 2019 and has yielded surprisingly well after the winter/spring wet conditions. Straw yields were down this year and the cereal yields across the farm are down on average.
Stubble turnips were put in after wheat and oats – they have germinated very well so the winter forage for the cows is looking promising.

Cow and heifer calf at foot
We put in a new cattle handling system in the yard – race, forcing pen – which should make life easier and safer for people and cattle in the future. Thanks go to Chris Lockyer – Lockyer Agri Services – for his help and installation.