Indien one of the stock bulls
Indien, sire Filou, was purchased from George Smith (Grange Herd) September 2019. As a French bred sire he is introducing new bloodlines to the Killerton Herd.
‘Horny’ was purchased from Carlisle in 2013. He is out of Emslies Erotic and by Emslies Colossus – an Objat son.
He has won Senior Bull classes in 2015 and has a beef value of 57 – placing him in the top 1% nationally. His progeny are growing well.
Norman Harvest was purchased October 2016 to work on pedigree cows and heifers. His is by Claragh Franco, out of Norman Upward.
He carries Wilodge Vantastic, Sympa, Broadmeadows Cannon and Djerk bloodlines in his pedigree.
Confluence Leyton has recently joined the Killerton herd. A son of Corridan Hakka. Leyton was purchased at Carlisle May 2016 and will be used predominantly on pedigree heifers.
Ampertaine Lawson was purchased at Carlisle in May 2017.
Born December 2015, Lawson was placed first in his Intermediate class at the show prior to sale. Got by AI, he is a son of Ampertaine Elgin and is out of Ampertaine Fantasia.
Foxhillfarm Montreal was purchased at Carlisle in May 2017. He was an embryo calf by Guards Boomer, dam Foxhillfarm Gracie.
Montreal was a full brother to Foxhillfarm Manhattan the sale Junior Male Champion and Overall Reserve Surpreme Champion.
Montreal won Limousin Champion and Interbreed Champion at the Beef South West Calf Show 2016.