September 2022
September was a busy month. We had the S.W. Limousin Club AGM at Lackham College which was my final meeting as Chairman. Best of luck to Gary Dunn, the new Chairman – I am sure we are safe in his hands. The Herd Competition Results were given by Neil and Jo Vance of the Winnington Herd, Shropshire, of which we had very good results :
Killerton Limousin won the Extra Large Herd
Stock Bull with Progeny – Nealford Politician
Bull Born 2021 Killerton Soliver
Bull Calf 2022 Killerton Tennessee
Best cow with Calf at foot – 2nd Place – Killerton Nasreen and Tennessee
Best heifer 2022 – 3rd place – Killerton Traviata
Then to finish the day off really well we won the Overall Best Limousin Herd in the South West area – which put us forward to the national competition to compete against the other 9 areas on the 50thAnniversary of the British Limousin Society.
We made a start putting in winter cereals at the end of September. The plough finally went in the ground after some rain and the grass started growing again.

Beautiful Morning, all you can see is plane trails, at least seven counted, who is destroying the planet?????
October 2022

Killerton Panzer with her calf Sandra
Cereals were all in by the end of the first week of October as everyone was expecting rain that would start and never stop.
The highlight for the month was a visit to Carlisle for the results of the national Limousin Herd competition of which I was very surprised to win it. My thanks go to Jim Scott, the judge, and to Ampertaine Limousin, Northern Ireland – the runners up. Full report and photos on the British Limousin webpage below

This is the Scottish Farmer this week
Congratulations also to the Mather Family, based North Devon – who won the National Commercial Herd competition – during the same evening. It was fantastic for the south west beef farmers to receive such prestigious national accolades.
The following week we had our full herd TB Test which we Passed – this has taken a lot of mental pressure off. All stock can now be sold so if anyone is looking for cows or heifers please call me.