Nealford Politician this spring

Maraiscote Pedro this spring
March lived up to it’s reputation – in like a lamb and out like a lion! In our case a very wet one which continued into April and we were still housing a lot of cattle at the end of the month. We even had to bring cows and calves back in due to cold, wet weather and disease pressures. The spring born calves really suffered in the awful conditions.
But on the plus side – we had our Herd TB Test and were delighted to Pass. The result will enable me to sell cows and calves together with pedigree heifers. Please call me if you are interested in any breeding stock.

Killerton bulls for sale this spring
We have several bulls for sale – including older stock bulls and two year old limousin bulls ready for work. Trade at the usual spring Bull sales at local markets has been slow this year – is this a reflection that the suckler herds have reduced in size/number aseverely in the south west??
It has been very difficult to select which bulls to keep and take on rather than kill as the beef price is so strong at the moment. We have to reduce numbers due to relocating to smaller premises in the autumn.