18 month old bulls ready for sales
So here we are again – back in a Covid Lockdown for a third time. Let’s hope we get a better result at the end of these restrictions and life can get back to some sort of normality.

Bulls being prepared for the spring sales
Winter routine still carrying on but with heavy rainfall everything has become very monotonous and hard work. No life away from farm to see friends or have a drink and a laugh.
Dry cows and in calf heifers are still looking well on stubble turnips and straw. Even though straw is an expensive item we still seem to be using an awful lot of it. We have had one or two calves but the main group of spring calving cows will not start for another month so fingers crossed it will be better weather.
My landlord, the National Trust, has decided to take back 140+ acres of river grazing ground this autumn, at the end of my HLS agreement to turn the area into an organic re-wilding and wetting/tree planting project. I have lost a large proportion of my grazing area and this will force me to reduce livestock numbers – or plough other fields as I evaluate the corn v. horn scenario.
Beef prices have remained steady. They ought to be improving to match the increased cost of production but time will tell.